FAQ about Rønde Folk High School

Below we have gathered some of the most frequently asked questions about Rønde Folk High School.

If you have further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

When can I start at Rønde Folk High School?

At Rønde Folk High School we offer two long term courses every year.  The spring semester runs from February to June and the fall semester runs from August to December. The semesters lengths varies from 19-25 weeks.

You will find the current starting and end dates here

How much does it cost to attend Rønde Folk High School?

How much does it cost to attend Rønde Folk High School?

At Rønde Folk High School we offer two long term courses every year.  A Spring semester running from February to June and a Fall semester running from August to December. 

The price for a long term course is 245 Euro per week which cover all classes, excursions, meals, study material and accommodation in a shared double room.
You will find the current starting and end dates here

Study trips at an additional cost

Each full semester (19 – 25 weeks) includes a two weeks period where you have the option of either going on a study trip abroad (for additional payment) or staying back home at Rønde Folk High School and join the alternative program without extra cost. Study trips available:

  • Albania – spring 930 Euro
  • Norway – spring 665 Euro
  • Iceland – spring/fall 1.460 Euro
  • Outdoor trip Denmark – spring/fall 160 Euro
  • La Santa Sport – fall 1070 Euro

Study trips and prices are subject to change.

Scholarhips are available for applicants

Rønde Folk High School does not offer full scholarships.

International students with limited financial resources, primarily from developing countries can, however apply for a partial scholarship.

To apply for a scholarship please use our online application form. Add 5-10 lines to the “Motivational letter” about your financial situation, and be ready to domument it. Remember to tell us why you are especially interested in joining Rønde Folk High School – how do you expect to benefit from the stay? And how will you contribute to the stay yourself.

Please note: Study trips are not available for students granted a scholarship. 

Interrupted or canceled stay

Interrupted stay

If the stay is interrupted in the middle of the course, either by your own or the school’s initiative, a payment corresponding to 4 times the weekly rate will be charged.

Cancellation before the start of the course

If you cancel your stay no later than 8 weeks before the course starts, you will receive a full refund of the amount paid minus the registration fee. If you cancel later than 8 weeks before the course starts, you will receive the amount paid minus the registration fee and the weekly rate for 4 weeks. However, if the course you have enrolled in at Rønde Højskole becomes fully booked and another student takes your place, you will also receive the weekly rate for the 4 weeks back.

Which study trips can I join?

Each full semester (18 – 21 weeks) includes a two weeks period where you have the option of either going on a study trip abroad (for additional payment) or staying back home at Rønde Folk High School and join the alternative program without extra cost. Study trips available:

  • Albania – spring 930 Euro
  • Norway – spring 665 Euro
  • Iceland – spring/fall 1.460 Euro
  • Berlin – fall 745 Euro
  • Outdoor trip Denmark – spring/fall 160 Euro
  • La Santa Sport – fall 1070 Euro

Study trips and prices are subject to change.

Please note: Study trips are not available for students granted a scholarship.

What classes can I take?

Please read about classes and subjects here

Which subjects are taught in English?

The question has yet to be answered. Send your question in an email and we will be happy to help you.

How do I apply for visa?

The question has yet to be answered. Send your question in an email and we will be happy to help you.

How will I live at the school?

All students will be accommodated in double rooms and live with a person of their own gender. Each student will have a single bed, a desk and closet for their clothes and smaller items.

Only students with special needs will be able to have a single room during their stay.

Who are the other students at the school?

Rønde Folk High School houses 125 students each semester. Most of the students are Danish citizens having a gap year preparing for further education or other steps in life.

At Rønde Højskole every student is assigned to be part of a family group, which consists of 12-15 (?) fellow students who all live at the same dorm/house. A teacher from the school will help manage the family group meetings and activities and schedule individual meetings with every student with the aim of creating a healthy and happy environment for our students.

Family groups also have responsibilities such as cleaning the common areas and participating in general practical tasks at the school.

How many international students?

On average we have 8-15 international students from countries all over the world. Please note that the number of students varies each semester.

How old are the students?

Students at Rønde Folk High School are required to have the minimum age of 17 years and 6 months to enter the programme. There is no maximum age for students but as a school we do attempt to maintain a relatively homogenous group of younger students in their late teens/early twenties. 

Can I leave the High school and travel by myself during my stay?

Once you have become a resident at Rønde Folk Highschool we wish for you to get the most out of your stay here, both to learn as much as possible in our classes and benefit from the social life and extracurricular activities at the school. Therefore we do not allow extended, individual travels nationally or internationally.

What are the language requirements for international students?

The question has yet to be answered. Send your question in an email and we will be happy to help you.

What is everyday life like at Rønde Folk High School?

Students at Rønde Folk High School spend time outside of class in many different ways depending on their interests. You can choose to hang out in our lounge area and play board games, talk and have a cup of coffee or have a fun movie night together. If you love sports you can gather fellow students at our gym to work out or play a game of volleyball or soccer at the soccer field. 

Here at the school we encourage extracurricular activities. Therefore we ask students to create and participate in social committees, to ensure that everyone joins in and invests in meaningful activities. A committee could be based on the love of knitting, soccer, music or something completely different, based on the interests of the students and carried out by their motivation. 

The school is located in the town of Rønde, which is surrounded by beautiful forests, hills and coastlines and it invites you to take a nice run or a walk alone or with friends. Rønde also has a main street with stores and cafés and its very own famous castle ruin from the middle ages located outside of town. 

Should you and your fellow friends from school wish to experience the buzz of the big city, Aarhus, the second biggest city in Denmark, is only a 45 minutes bus ride away. Many of our students go shopping in Aarhus, visit the many cultural sights, go to sporting events or have a fun night out with each other on the weekends.