Arts and Crafts
Interested in arts? Then this is for you! Our art studio is equipped to help you study subjects such as glass, drawing, painting and cemarics/ pottery.
When you enter the art studio, you can read the following quote on the wall: “To dare is to loose your balance for a minute, but not to dare is the danger of loosing yourself completely.” (Søren Kierkegaard)
This is the sentence which gets the whole subject started. Here you will be hunting for the artistic expression by using your personality sensitivity, fantasy and intellectual reflection. The lessons are based on individual teaching as well as specific projects where all participate. The studio is fully modernized with lots of light, and the facilities can be used 24 hours a day.
Drawing is the basic media. Find your personal touch and perfect it. Several drawing exercises are presented before we are ready to continue drawing from a model, portrait, sketching, mirror drawing, 1-minute drawing, reflected drawing, light/shadow and drawing from nature.
We then offer you oil- and acrylic painting, water colour and pastels. In ceramics we stress the value of primitive burning e.g. Raku-burning and Pit fire burning. Both the technical and artistic aspects are stressed. Like Picasso who transformed the amphora into a beautiful female body you can do the same by using your own personal imagination.
You can also choose our glass workshop for a valuable course in making beautiful and useful objects out of glass.
The overall philosophy is to present beauty, and the surprise of what is different.
Skolevej 2
8410 Rønde
Tlf. nr.: 8637 1955
CVR: 24509915
EAN: 5790002493829